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Franchise Opportunities

Our Mission

To continue to be the leader in the massage therapy profession, and to excel in the quality of massage therapy treatment, customer service, and create a tranquil ambiance in our clinics.

To achieve the best and profitable franchise system by supporting each franchisee with our expertise to maintain the highest level of customer service and operational experience while maintaining brand integrity.

About Sutherland-Chan

Sutherland-Chan has over 35 years of experience in training massage therapists and operating massage therapy clinics. Sutherland-Chan started franchising their clinic operations in 2004 and now have seven franchise clinics in Ontario and one affiliate clinic in Hong Kong.

Our Responsibilities

  • Share Sutherland-Chan’s operation system
  • Train you and your manager to our booking system, interview system, and clinic management
  • Assist in finding the best location
  • Assist with the lease negotiation
  • Guide you in design and construction of your clinic
  • Assist in finding RMTs and other healthcare practitioners
  • Assist in drafting leases for your tenants
  • Regular meeting from designing to the opening of your clinic

Build your own business via Sutherland-Chan Franchise

Many therapists dream of owning and operating a massage therapy clinic, and this is the opportunity for you to do that. However, with being an owner, there comes responsibilities and investment of time, energy and finances. The following are some of the criteria we are looking for in a franchisee:

  • Believes in massage therapy’s health benefits and that it is a health care profession
  • Enjoy receiving massages
  • At least one partner has worked for at least 2 years at Sutherland-Chan with high productivity and request rate OR Practiced as a massage therapist for at least 2 years
  • Previous management skills or retail experience is an asset
  • Value customer service and hospitality
  • Understands there expectations of each role as a therapist and an owner
  • Enjoy working and managing people
  • Prepared to invest long hours a week in your business

Personality, people skills, leadership capabilities, business and management skills are important factors that will be carefully evaluated.

If you are interested in franchise opportunities, please contact Grace Chan.


We are a Canadian company.

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Let's get started with your details.
Now, let's figure out a location, therapist, time and our goals for this treatment.
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